Q. What brought you into the healthcare field? Why did you choose this profession?
A. I am not a healthcare professional but am interested in it because my mother is a retired medical doctor and I have found her job so useful and glorious. I also like to help people.Q. How did you get involved with CCC?
A. I met Dr. Patricia Gordon MD when she was traveling in Vietnam and learned about her charity.Q. What do you do for CCC?
A. I work and assist CCC as a ground coordinator in Vietnam.Q. What has been your biggest challenge in working with CCC? What has been your biggest success? Please give examples.
A. My biggest challenge in working with CCC is helping to get permission for the project from local officials. Their way of thinking and bureaucracy always makes it difficult. My biggest success has been assisting CCC with establishing 10 clinics in three provinces in Vietnam.
Q. What inspires you to continue screening women?
A. I have traveled a lot and met many poor women so I am happy to bring this wonderful and necessary health service to their lives.Q. When you are not working, what do you do?
A. When I am not working, I like watching American movies, traveling, cycling, listening to music, and having fun with my friends.