Mobile Health For Mamas: The First Ever HPV Testing & Treatment Mobile Clinic

Cervical cancer is nearly 100% preventable with early detection and treatment.

Yet, every 2 minutes a woman dies from cervical cancer. That’s why we’re bringing our best tools to the places with the fewest resources.

Nearly 90% of cervical cancer deaths occur in areas where access to preventative care is extremely limited. The HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Testing & Treatment Mobile Clinic is the first of its kind to bring the most advanced cervical cancer prevention technology out of the healthcare facility and directly into the community.

How It Works:

Step 1

Our mobile clinic/laboratory and a team of healthcare providers travel to underserved regions to set up in village centers, busy marketplaces, or communal spaces. We come directly to where the women are.

Step 2

Women can easily and painlessly collect their own self-sample within a few seconds by using a vaginal swab.

Step 3

The samples are processed in the mobile laboratory. Results are ready within 90 minutes.

Step 4

In the same visit, women who test HPV positive undergo further screening and treatment if necessary by a team of healthcare providers. Women who require advanced care are linked with specialized doctors at a referral facility and supported by our Client Champion to successfully navigate the barriers of accessing higher level care.

The Team