A Letter from CureCervicalCancer’s Founding Director Dr. Patricia Gordon MD

 During this most challenging time, I send you my strength and courage. I sincerely hope you and your families are healthy and well; doing the best as can be expected while navigating these difficult times. I mean this from the bottom of my heart.On Thursday, March 11, the CureCervicalCancer team was in the midst of conducting a Master Training in Kisumu, Kenya. When I received the news of the global travel restrictions, the team and I made the difficult decision to postpone the remainder of our Kenya training. I’m both glad and relieved to report that the team is safely home in Los Angeles, and we are grateful for the concern many of you have shown for the team’s wellbeing.We have nestled into a new routine of virtual operations. In this time of social distancing and working from home, I am comforted in our daily team communications: a morning group meeting and multiple team project updates throughout the day. The team and I are reassured that so many of you have reached out to us. We encourage you to continue to check in.Now, more than ever, we cannot forget the most vulnerable. Cervical cancer claims the lives of over 350,000 women each year. Because of friends and donors like you, we have successfully screened over 130,000 women and have treated over 8,500. These are women’s lives that have been saved. We must not give up our fight.The coronavirus pandemic will undoubtedly cause further strain on the already limited healthcare systems where we are. We have 100 “See & Treat” Clinics in resource-poor settings. We actively support rural mobile clinics, programs in remote regions in the world, and the formal training of hundreds of healthcare professionals. We must continue our mission.With a big heart,Patricia Gordon MD