Dedication of the CureCervicalCancer: The Shelton-Rogers Clinic in Migosi, Kenya

Dedication of the CureCervicalCancer: The Shelton-Rogers Clinic in Migosi, Kenya
After an intensive and productive week long theoretical and practical training session in Kisumu, Kenya, 3 of the 12 highly skilled nurses returned to their community hospital in Migosi. The CCC team established in Migosi the sustainable Shelton-Rogers clinic. This CCC/Shelton-Rogers Clinic will be the first of its kind for the women in the suburb of Kisumu, to ever offer cervical cancer screening and treatment! The Migosi community hospital eagerly chose three nurses to attend the week-long training session at Jaramogi, the main hospital in Kisumu, Kenya. The three nurses who graduated and were certified in the “See and Treat” procedure are: Everlyne Oruko (head nurse), Josephine Mege, and Naomi Kerubo. I have a personal attachment to this clinic for several reasons. Approximately eight months ago, I did a site visit with the CCC team to the Migosi community hospital. The clinical director of the hospital was truly overwhelmed with joy when he realized that CCC would be returning to train his nurses with the VIA (vinegar) and cryotherapy technique and donate all of the supplies to create a permanent and sustainable ongoing clinic with the specific intent to screen and treat women for precancerous lesions in his community. He astutely understood that cervical cancer was an epidemic in his region! There was no doubt in my mind that the clinical director was grateful and eager to have this service offered to the women of his community. Just yesterday, I revisited Migosi to start initial preparations for the architectural layout of the clinic. The clinical director met me with open arms and tears in his eyes. I have nothing but the highest hopes that the Shelton-Rogers clinic will provide screening and treatment for the this community  for generations to come. Thousands of women will be screened and treated to prevent and tackle the epidemic of cervical cancer, with this simple and elegant technique at the CCC/ Shelton-Rogers clinic in Migosi. Photographed is the dedication of the Shelton-Rogers clinic and three nurses newly trained and certified in cervical cancer screening assigned to this clinic. Also pictured is the setup of the clinic and patients being screened and treated at the newly created Shelton Rogers/CCC Clinic in Migosi, Kenya!