Category: Haiti

The Health of the Woman is the Health of the Family

The Health of the Woman is the Health of the Family

Team Riviere, captained by Mamta Singhvi MD, set out for Hospital Grand Riviere du Nord to establish the MacNaughton Family Clinic. Our group derived inspiration from a patient who nearly declined treatment. Although she was dealing with immense pain, we encouraged her to proceed with cryotherapy because we didn’t want to risk losing her to...

"Sante Fanm se Lavni Fanmi"

"Sante Fanm se Lavni Fanmi"

It was another packed day for the CCC team here in Cap-Haitien, Haiti. Because we have so much ground to cover to accomplish this ambitious 11-clinic project, we decided to split up and head to two different sites in the North Department. Dr. Jennifer Lang’s team, including intern Leila, and CCC nurse Caitlin, headed to Hopital L’esperance (which...

A Successful First Day in Cap-Haitien, Haiti

A Successful First Day in Cap-Haitien, Haiti

Haiti has the highest incidence of cervical cancer of any country in the world. It is the poorest country in the Western hemisphere and has struggled with implementing cohesive population-wide health programs. This week’s trip marks CCC’s 3rd program in Haiti since 2013. We kicked-off our Cap Haitien program with a visit to the headquarters...

Nou ap Retounen: "We Will Return"

Nou ap Retounen: "We Will Return"

The CCC team arrived for a second clinic day of “see and treat” at Bethesda Medical Center. The progress made between day 1 and day 2 was incredible. The system had been established and everyone knew their roles, so we were able to open our doors for patients in a very short time. While registration...

Women, You Give Life!

Women, You Give Life!

“Women you give life, protect your own life” – so begins the sign outside of the Bethesda Medical Center, the site of the first day of the CCC/IMC “See and Treat” clinic in Cap-Haitien. The International Medical Corps had erected two giant banners announcing our visit and the free cervical cancer screening that would be...

The Road to TiBuk- Establishment of the Second Phyllis Clinic

The Road to TiBuk- Establishment of the Second Phyllis Clinic

The CCC team, accompanied by Dr. Thony and Nurse Ange (the new TiBuk nurse), traveled to the TiBuk hospital to establish the Second Phyllis Clinic-TiBuk (Donated by Irv Kessler and Barb Anderson). What we thought would be a simple forty-five minute drive up the road seemed more like an off-road adventure through the jungles of Haiti....

CCC's Superstar Translator – Elio's Perspective

CCC's Superstar Translator – Elio's Perspective

Hi, my name is Eliothide, I go by Elio. I am 38 years old. I work as a translator between English and Creole for the International Medical Corps (IMC). Whenever the CureCervicalCancer team is in Haiti, I help them. I think the work CureCervicalCancer has done in Haiti has been life saving for women. Some...

Patients Walk for Miles to be Screened

Patients Walk for Miles to be Screened

The second day of screening began with women pouring out the doors of the Borgne community hospital early in the morning. Walking into the hospital, there was not a single empty corridor. Crowds of women assembled to receive a number from Ben, our record keeper and community liaison extraordinaire. With such large clinic numbers, we...

First Clinic Day in Borgne, Haiti

First Clinic Day in Borgne, Haiti

Today we saw the Borgne clinic in action! The CCC team was joined by Nurse Ann from the International Medical Corps and Nurse Ange from the new Phyllis Clinic-TiBuk, amongst others from Borgne and Cap-Haitien. The clinic began with nurse Adeline explaining and demonstrating the proper cryotherapy attachment and usage to new and existing nurses....