Category: Haiti

It's Gonna Be Alright by Leila Hariri

It's Gonna Be Alright by Leila Hariri

Today marked the last clinic visit for our Haiti revisit and re-education program. CCC intern Leila Hariri and our wonderful ground partner Nurse Marie Ann Durosier had a wonderful experience at Dr. Jean Pierre Romel’s medical clinic, Centre de Reflection et d’Action Sur Les Problems Socialize (CRAPS) in Limonade. Dr. Romel and Nurse Cassandra Guerine...

It's Not All Cervices and Roses

It's Not All Cervices and Roses

Today marked yet another packed schedule for the CCC team. In addition to a meeting with the director of health at the Northeast Department of Haiti, we also visited two of our previously establsihed clinic–one located in Trou-du-Nord and the other in Fort Liberte. Despite some challenges, our team maintained a positive and constructive attitude...

1 Day, 3 Cities! To Port-au-Prince, Cap-Haitien, and Limbe

1 Day, 3 Cities! To Port-au-Prince, Cap-Haitien, and Limbe

Day two in CCC’s “revisit & resupply” trip to Haiti was yet another success! The team split into three groups to visit and meet with health officials and clinics. Dr. Jennifer Lang and our ground partner, Nurse Marie-Anne Durosier, headed to Port-au-Prince to meet with Dr. Grand-Pierre, while Caitlin, Ellen, and our amazing photographer, Cathryn...

CCC Returns to Haiti for the First Time Since 11-Clinic Program in 2015

CCC Returns to Haiti for the First Time Since 11-Clinic Program in 2015

Team A Only 6 months after establishing the “ambitious 11” clinics in the north and northeast departments of Haiti, the CureCervicalCancer Team is back to reeducate and resupply. Due to the large number of sites and long distances to be traveled, we split into two teams and began this project. Team A led by Dr....

Northern Haiti Clinic Dedications

Northern Haiti Clinic Dedications

We would like to thank IMC and our individual donors for their continued support and for helping to make these clinics a reality. The following 11 clinics have been established in the Greater Cap-Haitien region of Northern Haiti and will provide services to countless women in the upcoming years.   The “Lindsey Rickles RN” Clinic Bethesda Medical Center  This...

Our Final Day in Haiti

Our Final Day in Haiti

Despite having accomplished all we set out to do so far this week, the CCC team still had much ground to cover on Friday, our last day here in Haiti. Therefore, we once again split up into two teams, and began to tackle our day as the sun came up. The team led by Dr. Jennifer Lang...

“I Have a Dream…”

“I Have a Dream…”

On our last day of clinic in Haiti we again split into two groups in order to cover more territory. Dr Lang led the team to the town of St Raphael, which is a small community in the North Department. We were told its health center has a catchment area of more than 50,000 people....

Grace and Gratitude

Grace and Gratitude

Authored by Mamta Singhvi, MD Having now been in Haiti for several days, I have found myself contemplating on a more existential level. To start with, who are our patients? That they actively seek medical care despite a daily struggle to even survive attests to their strong sense of responsibility and self-respect. How much must...

“Comme si vous étiez chez vous”

“Comme si vous étiez chez vous”

A 3-hour drive along a very rocky road that involved driving across 2 rivers brought us ultimately to the town of Mombin-Crochu and the local Hospital. Driving through the Haitian countryside provides a glimpse into the lives of the people who live in areas that are very difficult to access by truck or car. Goats...