Category: Haiti – July 2018

Another Successful and Busy Day of Screenings in Haiti

Another Successful and Busy Day of Screenings in Haiti

Today, we screened 91 women! All of this was possible due to the community health workers, who were trained yesterday to inform the women of our cervical cancer prevention services. Their enthusiasm made a huge impact.   In the morning, we began with 2 clinic stations. Due to the large demand, we added 3 more...

Day Three in Cap Haitien and Nine New Community Health Volunteers Trained

Day Three in Cap Haitien and Nine New Community Health Volunteers Trained

During our third day at Cap Haitien, we trained nine community health volunteers who are essential to educating the community about our cervical cancer prevention services. These community health workers are often important individuals in their community and will bring many women to be screened.    After our lecture, the CCC team along with CCC...

Thermocoagulation Training and Screenings Continue in Haiti

Thermocoagulation Training and Screenings Continue in Haiti

Today, we trained four nurses in thermocoagulation at the Lindsay Rickles, RN Clinic in Bethesda Medical Centre in Cap Haitien, Haiti. These nurses are previous Global Trainees who learned VIA and cryotherapy in 2014 when our partnership began. After the lecture reviewing the screening technique and introducing thermocoagulation, we screened patients in the afternoon.

CCC Introduces Thermocoagulation Devices to Haiti

CCC Introduces Thermocoagulation Devices to Haiti

We’re bringing thermocoagulation to Haiti! Thermocoagulation is a treatment method for precancerous lesions that can be used as an alternative to cryotherapy with the same results. The most important benefit of thermocoagulation is that it functions on rechargeable battery, eliminating the need for carbon dioxide gas. Carbon dioxide gas is prohibitively expensive and often unavailable...