Category: Guatemala

Graduation Day for our Newest Team Members

Graduation Day for our Newest Team Members

Today (Friday) is our last clinic day of our 2016 Guatemala Program, and it has been such an honor to work with the amazing WINGS and ACPC teams this past week! This morning, the CCC team held a graduation ceremony for our five newly-certified “See and Treat” trainees at WINGS. Their performance this week was...

A Greater Cause by Dr. Valentina Rodriguez (OBGYN)

A Greater Cause by Dr. Valentina Rodriguez (OBGYN)

I heard about Cure Cervical Cancer 3 years ago, when my close friend Dr. Erica Oberman signed up to attend a mission in Guatemala. She came back with stories of beautiful women in their traditional clothing who would come from miles away to be seen and treated, and of kind nurses who would work in...

Vital Questions by Dr. Erica Oberman (OBGYN): Day 4 in Guatemala

Vital Questions by Dr. Erica Oberman (OBGYN): Day 4 in Guatemala

As a doctor I often wonder what exactly my patients hear when I give them an unexpected diagnosis.  Did they understand what is going on?  Were they comfortable enough to ask me questions?  Are they okay with their plan of care?  As you can imagine, when I participate in a medical mission, in a foreign...

Day 3 in Guatemala: Getting Creative

Day 3 in Guatemala: Getting Creative

Day Three of our 2016 Guatemala program was another success! The team split into two again: the WINGS clinic was organized in San Juan Chalmeco, while ACPC’s clinic was held in San Pedro Carcha. Over 200 women were screened/treated with an overall positivity rate of 8%! The team accompanying WINGS and the five new trainees...

Covering More Ground: Day 2 in Guatemala

Covering More Ground: Day 2 in Guatemala

For the next three days, the CCC team will split into two groups to cover more ground in and around the Alta Verapaz region. The team led by Dr. Erica Oberman (OB/GYN) headed to a treatment center on the outskirts of Coban in a region called La Esfuerza. Upon arriving to the clinic, we were...

A New Program in Guatemala for 2016

A New Program in Guatemala for 2016

In what will mark our third program in Guatemala, CureCervicalCancer returns to train more local healthcare professionals, in addition to reevaluating and reeducating our existing five clinics. CureCervicalCancer is excited to form a new partnership with WINGS, an organization dedicated to providing family planning education and reproductive health services to marginalized communities in Guatemala. On our...

Our Final Day in Coban

Our Final Day in Coban

Hello, CCC friends and supporters! Caitlin here. Today was our last clinic day here in Guatemala. This week has flown by so quickly, and leaving here is bittersweet. We are so overjoyed to see our trainees work with such dedication and commitment. Over the past five days, they have gone from novice to expert in...

CCC Clinic Day in Lanquin

CCC Clinic Day in Lanquin

Today’s mission, to screen the women of Lanquin, a small village two hours outside of Coban, Guatemala.  This is my second mission with CCC and it has been so different from Vietnam.  Most of us speak Spanish, at various levels, but what some lack in vocabulary, they have made up in enthusiasm. This ability to...

CCC Clinic Day in Coban

CCC Clinic Day in Coban

This is Rick Siedband. At home, I’m a financial advisor, but I’m spending this week volunteering with the CCC team in Guatamala. Today was our third day here and second day in clinic. We started our work on Monday in Coban with a full day training session. The CCC model is very well thought and...

A Warm Welcome

A Warm Welcome

Today was our first clinic day in the city of Tactic which is a 45 minute drive from Coban. We arrived to a sea of colorful “cortes” which is the Spanish word for skirts here in Guatemala. Over one hundred women were already there waiting for us with warm  smiles and a “bueno dias!”, making...