Category: Community

The CCC Path

The CCC Path

By Phorum Sheth It’s funny to think that just two years ago I walked into the CCC office with little to no life experience and huge vague dreams of making an impact that I had no real way of attaining. I was confined to the designed life plan I’d created for myself at 16. Working...

An Unforgettable Year

An Unforgettable Year

By Alex Kreger It’s hard to believe that just one year ago, I joined CureCervicalCancer as a Program Coordinator. Although I had an idea of what the position entailed, nothing prepared me for the incredible experience that lay ahead. I’d never been a part of such a tight-knit team working towards such a noble goal....

From Cancer to Mt. Kilimanjaro

From Cancer to Mt. Kilimanjaro

By Sarah Nielson I will never forget the day my doctor told me that my abnormal Pap Test was the result of having HPV. I was mortified that I had an STI! At the time, I knew next to nothing about HPV, let alone how roughly 80% of Americans will have an HPV infection at...

Update: The Guatemala Projects are Right Around the Corner!

Update: The Guatemala Projects are Right Around the Corner!

The Guatemala Projects, Coban Hospital and Chisec, are right around the corner and the CCC team is in full motion getting prepared.  The Ministry of Health letter is in its last stage, all the supplies have been received and we are busy organizing and packing it all up. Ground support with our partners, Asociación Compañero...

CCC Gains National Attention in Ethiopia

CCC Gains National Attention in Ethiopia

CCC was honored by an invitation to speak at the National Ethiopian Cancer Conference in August, 2013. Because CCC’s Director, Dr. Patricia Gordon, could not attend, CCC was delighted to be represented by Dr. Samson Mulugeta of Ayder Referral Hospital in Mekelle, Ethiopia, who was instrumental in setting up the CCC See and Treat Clinic...

CCC Prepares for Guatemala and Learns About Mayan Cultural Health Values

CCC Prepares for Guatemala and Learns About Mayan Cultural Health Values

Indigenous Mayans and their Health Practices Using western medicine to treat indigenous people presents challenges in overcoming cultural differences and communicating. When CCC works in Coban, Guatemala at the end of September, it needs some grounding in ways traditional Mayans confront illness and health and their views on the sources of illness and methods to...

Coban, Guatemala and Local Mayan Women

Coban, Guatemala and Local Mayan Women

Coban, Guatemala is not a prime tourist destination; rather, surrounded by mountains and located at 4330 feet, it is a coffee-growing region. The fourth largest city in Guatemala, Coban, about 4-5 hours drive (219 kilometers) from the capital, has a population of around 100,000 people. The local people are predominantly Q’eqchi, a group that represents...

Help us spread the word on Facebook

Help us spread the word on Facebook

Our Ethiopia trip has just begun and we thought it was a great time to launch a new website and Facebook page. We’ll be posting updates from Africa from Dr. Patricia Gordon in the field. We’d love for you to “like” our Facebook page and stay in touch with us on social media. If you...