Dedication of the CureCervicalCancer: The Evelyn McEntire Clinic in Gita, Kenya

Dedication of the CureCervicalCancer: The Evelyn McEntire Clinic in Gita, Kenya
For the past week here in Kisumu, Kenya, CureCervicalCancer has trained well over a dozen healthcare professionals in the cervical cancer “Single Approach” screening and treatment procedure.Three of these wonderful nurses are from the Gita community clinic, approximately 30 minutes from the city of Kisumu and Jaramogi Hospital. Denis Odero RN (chief nurse), along with Edith Nyongesa and Jane Alice Atito, have successfully completed the week-long course in early detection for cervical precancer utilizing the VIA (simple vinegar) procedure and cryotherapy.Pictured above is the dedication of the Evelyn McEntire Clinic in Gita, Kenya. This placard is a permanent fixture, which will hang for years to come in the dedicated CureCervicalCancer screening room at the Gita clinic. Thousands of women will be screened and treated for precancerous cervical lesions in this lovely clinic space.This clinic was graciously donated by Andrew and Simone McEntire. Andrew, his wife Simone, and his family chose to honor his grandmother by naming the clinic after her.Photographed above are the nurses assigned to the Evelyn John McEntire clinic with the clinic’s permanent placard. Also pictured is the setup of the clinic and photos of the 3 trained (and now certified!) CCC nurses in the “See and Treat” procedure.This rural, community hospital has great hope for utilization of this new, elegant, and yet simple technology. The clinic director received all of the medical equipment with open arms and great eagerness. The Gita Team learned the technique with great skill and are eager to provide this service to the women of Gita Region!