Dedication of the CureCervicalCancer: The Jill Rotman Clinic

Dedication of the CureCervicalCancer: The Jill Rotman Clinic
CureCervicalCancer has successfully trained local healthcare professionals at the main hospital in Kisumu in the “See and Treat ” procedure to screen for cervical cancer and treat precancerous lesions. While this training is a week-long process, the dedication ceremony for the Jill Rotman Clinic took place today on April 23, 2014.  CCC Board Member Judy Laner and her husband, Joel Cornfield MD, presented the permanent clinic sign that will memorialize Judy Laner’s sister and Gerri Maisel’s daughter, Jill Rotman, who died of breast cancer one year ago.A teary-eyed Judy Laner stated, “As I approach the anniversary of my sister’s passing, I am filled with so many emotions. This week is a blessing because it is the culmination of a year’s work, which has resulted in a permanent clinic that will save the lives of thousands of women to come. The success of the clinic is so far beyond my wildest imagination. My sister’s memory will be honored for years to come and this is my dream come true.”There are several other photographs of the Jaramogi Jill Rotman Clinic also depicted in this blog.