Training at Bahati Health Centre in Nairobi, Kenya Concludes With Nearly 900 Women Screened

Training at Bahati Health Centre in Nairobi, Kenya Concludes With Nearly 900 Women Screened

On Friday, our last day of our training, we continued screening women from the community. Over the week, we screened 855 women, treating 29 women with precancerous lesions with cryotherapy. 

With special guests, we celebrated our trainees with a graduation ceremony. During our ceremony, CCC donated cryotherapy devices to LVCT Health and Beth Mugo Foundation so our newly graduated trainees can continue screening and treating women. 

Representatives from CureCervicalCancer, LVCT Health, Beth Mugo Foundation, and Bahati Health Center celebrate a successful training with cake.
Dr. Lisa and Trainee Mary say their farewells after the graduation.
The CCC Team presents LVCT Health and Beth Mugo Foundation with donated cryotherapy devices.
The CCC Team, trainees, facilitators, and support staff all pose for one last picture!