“See & Treat” at Bahati Health Centre in Nairobi, Kenya off to a Great Start! 

“See & Treat” at Bahati Health Centre in Nairobi, Kenya off to a Great Start! 

Our “See & Treat” trainings always consist of 4 days of practicum training. Not only do the trainees gain confidence by learning hands-on, women from the community also have the opportunity to be screened and treated free of charge.

Bahati Health Centre is kindly hosting our screening activities for the remainder of the week. The surrounding community has been mobilized by a public announcement and the Community Health Volunteers which were trained last week.

In just 2 days, our Global Trainees have screened 360 women and treated 11 pre-cancerous lesions with cryotherapy.

Our partners for this “See & Treat” training include LVCT Health, Beth Mugo Foundation and Nairobi County Health Department. Working together toward the same goal of eradicating cervical cancer, we will make an impact in the community surrounding Bahati this week! After the training, all sites will be equipped with cryotherapy devices and skilled staff to continue offering “See & Treat” ongoing.

After being registered by Beth Mugo Cancer Foundation volunteers, patients were offered free HIV testing and counseling by a team from LVCT Health.
While waiting for their turn to be screened, the women learned about cervical cancer prevention from the Community Health Volunteers. Learning in small groups gave the women opportunities to ask more questions.
Women arriving to be screened and waiting to receive the small group awareness talk from the Community Health Volunteers.
Dr. Lisa, CCC Volunteer, leads a group of Global Trainees. The “See & Treat” trainings offer cross-cultural learning since we utilize both medical professionals from the US and Kenya to serve as Training Facilitators.
CCC Program Coordinator, Lauren, leads her group of Global Trainees in connecting the cryotherapy device to the CO2 cylinder.