Day One at the LVCT Health Office a Huge Success

Day One at the LVCT Health Office a Huge Success

On the first day of our week-long training, we welcomed 24 Global Trainees and 5 Facilitators at the LVCT Health Office. Our Global Trainees were recruited from Nairobi County facilities, Beth Mugo Mobile Clinic, and LVCT Health. 

While our ground partners Beth Mugo Cancer Foundation and LVCT Health target different populations, they are both heavily invested in cervical cancer prevention. Beth Mugo Cancer Foundation, founded by Kenyan Senator Beth Mugo, aims to enhance access to breast, cervical, and prostate cancer prevention through increasing awareness in the community. LVCT Health works with populations living with or at high risk of HIV including female sex workers, men who have sex with men, survivors of gender based violence, and persons with disabilities, offering (amongst other services) HIV screenings and cervical cancer prevention services. 

In the morning, our Clinic Advisor Dr. Blosk led lectures on the “See & Treat” technique – Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA) and Cryotherapy. After lunch, we transitioned to hands-on activities, where the Global Trainees learned to set up and use the cryotherapy machine and disinfect the cryotherapy tips and speculums. They also were introduced to the supplies necessary to run their cervical cancer prevention clinic and practiced patient counseling and data collection. Tomorrow, we’ll start screening patients!

Clinical Advisor Dr. Blosk explains the VIA and cryotherapy procedures to the Global Trainees.
Facilitator Anne shows Global Trainees the supplies from our “Clinic in a Suitcase.”
Volunteer Midwife Nancy reviews Patient Counseling with a group of trainees.