Thermocoagulation Training and Screenings Continue in Haiti

Thermocoagulation Training and Screenings Continue in Haiti
Today, we trained four nurses in thermocoagulation at the Lindsay Rickles, RN Clinic in Bethesda Medical Centre in Cap Haitien, Haiti. These nurses are previous Global Trainees who learned VIA and cryotherapy in 2014 when our partnership began. After the lecture reviewing the screening technique and introducing thermocoagulation, we screened patients in the afternoon.
Global Trainees practice with the thermocoaugulation device. Two huge benefits of the thermocoagulation device are its small size and its portability, as it is powered by battery. This drastic change from the cryotherapy device (which needed carbon dioxide gas) makes this device ideal for mobile clinics.
The team of newly trained nurses, Community Health Nurse Witney, and Lauren strike a pose outside of Bethesda Medical Centre.
One challenge of our training in Haiti is the language barrier. Haitians speak French and Haitian Creole. Our translators Edy and Elio are vital team players.