Today marks the final day of our weeklong training program at the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center in Moshi, Tanzania. It has been such a pleasure to watch the progress of each of our twelve trainees as they’ve mastered the “See & Treat” procedure. The rate at which their confidence and competent has grown has been astounding.

Just to mix things up a little, we started this day off with a little competition: which trainee could most accurately predict the number of women we would screen by the end of the day. Their guesses submitted, the trainees headed straight to their stations for the last full day of screening and treating women.

Later in the day, we gave each trainee had a written test to assess their knowledge of the “See & Treat” procedure. Everyone passed with flying colors! We followed the test up with our customary CCC trainee graduation ceremony. After a rousing speech by Dr. Gordon, we announced the winner of the contest: David Alexander Sylvester, whose guess of 200 women came closest to the actual 235 women screened today. After David’s big win, we handed each a certificate stating their completion of our training. With everyone in high spirits, we donned silly hats and posed for pictures. It was truly a wonderful evening.

In the coming days, we will visit two of our other new clinics, both about two hours outside of Moshi. With this week’s training under our belt, we are confident that CCC will maintain and grow our operations throughout Tanzania, and can’t wait to return.