Day 1: Welcome to Mwanza!

Day 1: Welcome to Mwanza!
The CCC team, comprised of Program Director Rebecca and Program Coordinators Phorum and Alex, has arrived safely to Mwanza, Tanzania after nearly 35 hours of travel!
It’s been one year since CureCervicalCancer was last here, when we held a week-long “See & Treat” training and launched two new Cervical Cancer Prevention Programs. We’ve returned to lead another training, this time at Nansio District Hospital on the island of Ukerewe, home to one of CCC’s existing clinics.
We were greeted at the airport by a very enthusiastic Brother Erick, who kindly accompanied us on our visit to the CCC clinic at Mwananchi Hospital. We met with Dr. Raphael and Matilda, our ground partners currently overseeing the Cervical Cancer Prevention Program, and discussed ideas of how to reach more patients with our program. We also really took time to gain a comprehensive understanding of the ongoing challenges faced by their clinic site.
We had the pleasure of meeting one of our new trainees, David. He will be traveling with us to the island and will remain there for the entire training. Upon completion of CureCervicalCancer’s training and certification, David will take the lead in running the “See & Treat” program at Mwananchi Hospital.
We look forward to getting to know David, as well as each and every CCC Tanzania-June 2017 Global Trainee!  The CCC team is so excited to head to Ukerewe Island and kick off training tomorrow.
We have high hopes for internet access at our remote destination — we want to share with you all of CCC’s incredible experiences working out in the field. Stay tuned for more posts all week!