The Region of Chong Qing — Population: 32 Million

The Region of Chong Qing —              Population: 32 Million
Dr. Gordon’s final lecture of CCC’s 2016 China trip was one for the books. Earlier today, she reached more physicians and healthcare professionals than she did in all of her other lectures in this trip combined. In the developing area of Chong Qing, thousands gathered for a gynecological academic conference at the Guiqiao Hotel. I had an invigorating sense of pride as I stood at the side of the giant lecture hall and took it all in. I noticed a big shift in the room’s energy when Dr. Gordon went on stage and began her talk. The audience was clearly engaged throughout her refreshing presentation in which she laid out the cryotherapy technique and explained the great need for the “See & Treat” method in resource-poor areas.img_6176-jpg-upNew to CCC, I have very little experience with cryotherapy and the “See and Treat” method. So when our host Liu asked us to man the booth at the fair that followed Dr. Gordon’s talk, I could only play spectator as our Senior Program Coordinator Leila and Nurse Administrator Rebecca beautifully and effortlessly assumed teaching roles.chongqing-rebecca-leilaI was determined to capture the perfect shot of the two as they wielded cryotherapy guns and demonstrated its proper use on a slab of raw meat. My short stature and the swarm of health professionals crowding around to watch and learn made this an exceedingly difficult task. I was just about to give up when I spotted a staircase positioned perfectly right behind all of the action.chongqing-rebecca-leila-2Not only did I get the great photo I wanted, my bird’s eye view also allowed me to enjoy watching my two colleagues, two true friends as they shared their magic with this population of individuals never-before-tapped by CCC.