Shenzhen Day 1

Shenzhen Day 1
I don’t often pause to reflect on how truly lucky I am. CureCervicalCancer has grown in just these few short years to reach 67 clinics in 7 countries. Today on our return visit to China, I was humbled to be reminded of the 45 doctors we’d previously trained about a year and a half ago. My heart felt full of gratitude to be surrounded by so many doctors who share our passion to eliminate cervical cancer. img_1978Shortly after arriving in Shenzhen, we visited Peking University Shenzhen Hospital where we were welcomed by gynecologists from all over the city. A packed room of people were eager to hear about the success of CureCervicalCancer, and to learn how we could positively affect change in their culture.china-nov-2016-day-1This group of Shenzhen doctors were keenly aware of the importance of the “See and Treat” method for early precancerous lesions. Following our presentation, they shared their recent research regarding low-cost methods for wide-spread HPV screening. We continued a lively discussion over dinner, sharing our ideas and experiences.While our first day was productive in many ways, for me personally it highlighted the importance of our work and how truly blessed I am to be a part of it.-Dr. Patricia Gordonimg_1980