Chong Qing: Day 2

Chong Qing: Day 2
Today we visited Fishmouth Hospital, located just outside the gargantuan metropolis of the Chong Qing region. Fun Fact: Fishmouth Hospital derives its name from its geographical surroundings. The two major rivers that define the perimeters of Chong Qing create the shape of a fish.img_1996Many of the healthcare professionals at the hospital had already been utilizing cryotherapy with great success. Because they were anticipating CCC’s arrival, the doctors had arranged for 5 pre-screened patients to return for treatment on the day of our visit. The room was filled with excitement as several doctors and nurses gathered to watch Dr. Gordon demonstrate VIA and cryotherapy. Having never witnessed the treatment, the nurses were delightfully eager to learn. We gave careful instruction, and confirmed that each care provider would continue training with the doctors on staff.img_6045Afterwards, we held a Q&A session and Dr. Gordon shared further specifics of cryotherapy while the nurses scribbled down notes. In spite of the language barrier, the enthusiasm at Fishmouth Hospital was contagious. We are so proud to be a part of an organization that reaches women all over the world.fishmouth-qa