Good to be Back in Borgne by Dr. Jennifer Lang

Good to be Back in Borgne by Dr. Jennifer Lang
Driving through the gates of the Hospital compound in Borgne was like coming home. Familiar faces came out to the courtyard to greet us, quickly followed by hugs. Dr Thony Voltaire (Medical Director for the hospital), and Miss Adeline Beliard (nurse in charge of the cervical cancer prevention program) was there to welcome us and report on the status of their activities. The most exciting expansion of their program has come through their organization of mobile units that travel out into neighboring communities and perform screening on women who might not be able to make it into the hospital.Some incredible renovations of the center had taken place since our last visit, and the designated screening room was pristine. The equipment was in excellent condition, and it was remarkable to note how when the materials are properly used and cared for they will last for years. A busy day of screening took place, with 3 stations set up that were each supervised by CCC-certified nurses. 78 women had been registered, and we were told that the program is incredibly popular in the community with many women reporting positive experiences to their friends and relatives.I’m very glad to end the week on such a high note- visiting dear friends who are working tirelessly to bring this essential service to their community. For me, the program at Borgne is the epitome of what CCC hopes to accomplish. It is a battery-charge after facing some significant challenges this week and gives me hope that this crazy dream we have of every woman having access to life-saving cervical cancer prevention might actually be possible.