As the year is gradually coming to an end, the CureCervicalCancer team is busily preparing for our three upcoming programs in Haiti, Kenya, and Vietnam where we will establish 11 more permanent, sustainable programs for the early detection and treatment of precancerous cervical lesions! With over 20 volunteers including several UCLA gynecologists (many of whom have been with us before) joining us, the CCC team is eager and excited to return to these countries where we will launch Phase II of our “See and Treat” programs this Fall.As Part 2 of our Haiti program this September draws near, we are extremely busy packing up all of the equipment needed for this mission where we will retrain, reeducate, and resupply our hard-working and highly motivated cryotherapy healthcare professionals at our existing programs in Borgne and Cap-Haitien. In addition, we will also be training new cryotherapy healthcare professionals from the remote region of Tibuk, a highly underserved community, where we will establish an additional permanent, sustainable program (The Phyllis Clinic-Tibuk) for the detection and treatment of precancerous cervical lesions.With October just around the corner, preparations for our return to Kenya are also far underway. During this almost two week-long project, the CCC team will travel to Kisii in Western Kenya where, in partnership with International Medical Corps, we will train nearly twenty cryotherapy healthcare professionals and establish 8 additional permanent, sustainable “See and Treat” programs including the major Angel Clinic Kenya located in the Kisii Level 5 Teaching and Referral Hospital, the Clark Family Clinic, and the Upendo Wa Mungu (God’s Love) Clinic. From there, we will return to our Engos Clinic in the Masai Mara as well as our four existing clinics in Kisumu where we will retrain, reeducate, and resupply our eager and dedicated healthcare professionals. This will be one of CCC’s most extensive projects to date!Because our Vietnam program, which we began earlier this year, has been such an overwhelming success, we have decided to return to Vietnam this December to establish 2 more permanent, sustainable “See and Treat” programs including the Dr. Jay Collie Fish Clinic in the Quang Ninh province, one of the most highly sex-trafficked areas in the country. Since we left just three months ago, our clinic staff have screened over 3000 women and have treated nearly 300 with cyrotherapy! The message has spread far throughout the communities in Quang Ning, Cam Pha, and Hoanh Bo, and our clinic staff are very motivated to keep the clinics serving these women in preventing cervical cancer.The tremendous success of our “See and Treat” programs is largely thanks to CureCervicalCancer’s strong, ongoing relationship with UCLA’s OB/GYN department. UCLA continues to strengthen its relationship with CCC by sending GYN faculty members on all three programs this Fall!We urge you to visit the rest of our blog at www.curecervicalcancer.org/blog to learn more about CureCervicalCancer.org and what we are doing to help prevent the leading cause of cancer related deaths in women in developing countries. Please help us strengthen our impact on the lives of women and their families around the world by donating today at www.curecervicalcancer.org/donate. There are still several naming opportunities left!