Our second clinic day at The Phyllis Clinic saw even more women coming to undergo See and Treat. One of the H.O.P.E. Haiti team members, Ben, who has been working with the hospital for 18 years, was key in getting the word out to the community that our services were available. He worked late into the evening of the prior day spreading the word, house to house, and the results were nearly 120 registered patients.We began our day with a lecture to all of the hospital doctors, nurses, and residents, including three representatives from International Medical Corps (IMC), who traveled from Cap-Haitien for the training. After explaining the pathophysiology of the disease that begins with HPV infection and progresses to cervical cancer, the lecture attendees understood the importance of catching this disease in its precancerous stage.We were deeply gratified that by the end of Day 2, our three stations were being completely run by Haitian healthcare providers, including Dr. Virginia Chevalier and nurse Marie Anne of IMC and Dr. Thony Voltaire from the Borgne Community Hospital. In fact, they began training other nurses in the See and Treat method, as well as how to perform cryotherapy!The greatest compliment we could possibly receive as an organization occurred at the end of the day when all of the doctors, nurses, and support staff that had worked with us throughout the day asked if we could perform the screening on them. We were deeply honored by this, as it truly seemed to validate our work. We are looking forward to Day 3 of clinic, which we expect to be almost exclusively run by the local clinicians of Haiti, with our role becoming even more peripheral!