Guatemalan Ministry of Health Comes Through!

Guatemalan Ministry of Health Comes Through!
20130928-222700.jpgThe first challenge (CCC) faces in launching any new effort to bring “See and Treat” (for premalignant cervical cancer) to a developing country is getting its staff and equipment to the site. Stage One is bringing all the equipment (including multiple large cryotherapy units) to be used, and ultimately donated, through Customs, in this case, in Guatemala Airport.CCC’s first team of Dr. Gordon, Executive Coordinator Kim Borden, and Director of Volunteers Judy Laner was met by a Guatemalan Ministry of Health representative and Leo Fife Bentely of Asociación Compañero Para Cirugía. CCC was escorted through Immigration and Customs. The team was grateful for the Ministry of Health’s expertise and efficiency, which alleviated CCC of all inspections of the huge, equipment-filled suitcases (see photo). Compared to the previous 10+ hour Customs ordeal in Ethiopia, Guatemala started out as a breeze, especially after the CCC team members endured a red-eye flight from Los Angeles!More to come!