Our second day at Ayder Hospital in Mekelle, Ethiopia was filled with activity. A second group of residents, medical students and a new team of attending GYN doctors from the hospital joined us to learn VIA and See and Treat. The nurses and midwives continued to be essential members of the team and were performing See and Treat after several hours of instruction. Due to the expanding addition of competent providers working the VIA stations, we were able to provide four separate screening stations at a time and were able to see more women, more expediently.
After screening all of the women who had arrived at Ayder hospital, we were picked up by a representative from the Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia (FGAE) and driven to visit their clinic. This is a nonprofit organization founded approximately 15 years ago that provides service to tens of thousands of women across the country at 50 individual free-standing clinics. This will lead to further discussion regarding the role CCC could possibly play in providing See and Treat for women clients of their clinics.