It's Gonna Be Alright by Leila Hariri

It's Gonna Be Alright by Leila Hariri
12789692_10153530576578510_820990136_oToday marked the last clinic visit for our Haiti revisit and re-education program. CCC intern Leila Hariri and our wonderful ground partner Nurse Marie Ann Durosier had a wonderful experience at Dr. Jean Pierre Romel’s medical clinic, Centre de Reflection et d’Action Sur Les Problems Socialize (CRAPS) in Limonade.
Dr. Romel and Nurse Cassandra Guerine were excited and prepared for our visit and had made exceptional efforts to mobilize patients for screening and treatment. Dr. Romel is the founder and coordinator of CRAPS. This organization incorporates a wide variety of medical and social services and activities for the people of Haiti. In addition to medical and dental services, this organization offers numerous sport activities including martial arts, table tennis, and sports for the handicapped. Moreover, there is a group of approximately 900 women who work together in this network with the main purpose of women empowerment and independence. It was simply heart-warming to learn that our trainees share our mission and values.
Dr. Rommel explained that women forget about themselves and their health due to the many roles 12788805_10153530574933510_704607485_othat they play within their family and the broader community. He firmly believes that the health of the women is the health of the family and has dedicated a lot of his time and resources to this cause. We are honored to add a valuable and necessary service to this amazing clinic and contribute to their efforts.